News wascoAdmin May 23, 2022


  • Training Awareness ISO 9001 : 2015 & ISO 14001:2015 PT WASCO
    Perubahan sistem manajemen yang terjadi pada ISO 9001 (Quality) dan 14001 (Enviro) yang sebelumnya menggunakan tahun 2007 kini menjadi 2015 membuat PT. Wasco harus terus mengikuti perubahan yang terjadi, demi mampu terus bersaing dengan kontraktor...
  • Indonesia bans coal exports in January on domestic power worries
    JAKARTA, Jan 1 (Reuters) - Indonesia has banned coal exports in January due to concerns that low supplies at domestic power plants could lead to widespread blackouts, a senior official at the energy ministry said...
  • Surety Bonds Protect Infrastructure Investment
    (NewsUSA) – Almost universal agreement surrounds the need to repair or replace America’s aging infrastructure of roads, highways, bridges, dams, drinking and wastewater facilities, ports, airports and other essential facilities that ensure the quality of living...
  • Lighting Your Landscape Like the Pros
    The deck is swept and ready for summer barbecues, the lawn is freshly mowed, and the outdoor furniture is dusted off. In short, the stage is set for cookouts, family gatherings and entertaining late-night porch...
  • Next Wave of Electric Cars Have Better Batteries
    (NewsUSA) – The delays and confusion caused when a 200,000-ton cargo ship got stuck in the Suez Canal sent ripples through the U.S. economy and led many people to explore alternatives to the global supply chain,...
  • CSR Widya Sapta Contractor Berupa Donasi Korban Gempa Cianjur
    Pada tanggal 21 November 2022 pukul 13:21:10 WIB telah tejadi gempa bumi di daerah Jawa Barat. Menurut BMKG Episenter gempa berada pada koordinat 6,84 LS – 107,05 dan kedalaman 11 km dengan magnitudo 5,6 dan...
  • Training Awareness ISO 9001 : 2015 & ISO 14001:2015 PT WASCO
    Perubahan sistem manajemen yang terjadi pada ISO 9001 (Quality) dan 14001 (Enviro) yang sebelumnya menggunakan tahun 2007 kini menjadi 2015 membuat PT. Wasco harus terus mengikuti perubahan yang terjadi, demi mampu terus bersaing dengan kontraktor...
  • Indonesia bans coal exports in January on domestic power worries
    JAKARTA, Jan 1 (Reuters) - Indonesia has banned coal exports in January due to concerns that low supplies at domestic power plants could lead to widespread blackouts, a senior official at the energy ministry said...
  • Surety Bonds Protect Infrastructure Investment
    (NewsUSA) – Almost universal agreement surrounds the need to repair or replace America’s aging infrastructure of roads, highways, bridges, dams, drinking and wastewater facilities, ports, airports and other essential facilities that ensure the quality of living...
  • Lighting Your Landscape Like the Pros
    The deck is swept and ready for summer barbecues, the lawn is freshly mowed, and the outdoor furniture is dusted off. In short, the stage is set for cookouts, family gatherings and entertaining late-night porch...